Thursday, May 3, 2007


I don't care if people stare
or gawk or gaze or look.
And I don't care if people think that
I face I wear is one
I really took.
I don't care if people say
I'm a rat, hippo or pig.
I don't care if people think
that the hair that is mine is really
a long silky wig.
I don't care if people say
I look like a baboon
and I don't care if people think
that I'm as fat as a full moon.
Cause I am what I am
I I is what I is
And that's what I like about me.


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Hannah! I have a young daughter in kindergarten and I hope she develops the self-esteem and confidence you seem to have. Individuality is what makes people (and life) more interesting!

Mr. C. - 5th Grade teacher at Creek Valley

Lisa H. said...

You have a strong voice! It is impressive that you can express who you are in such a creative way.

Lisa Hopkins, Teacher at Highlands